Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Another Detroit Lion Arrested!

Another one bites the dust!

Has the Detroit Lions become the Cincinnati Bengals of the NFL? From Johnny Culbreath, to Mikel Leshoure, to Nick Fairley, and now Aaron Berry.

All of these players have been busted by the police for either DUI convictions, or possession of marijuana convictions. In Leshoure’s case, he had the audacity to try and stuff the marijuana down his throat as the cops approached his vehicle.

When will the time come when Detroit Lions upper-management drops the hammer and makes an example out of one of these millionaire players? In my opinion, it will probably never happen because it’s all about the W’s baby! W’s is short for winning, and winning takes precedence over any and everything in most instances.

The Detroit Lions finally has a team worthy of watching after returning from church service on Sundays. They are one of the up and coming teams in the NFL. Cutting one or more of these players will interrupt their ambition of making the playoffs this year and “possibly” making a run at a Super Bowl. Leshoure, Fairley and Berry are key components to this team, and cutting them is not an option.

Is it just a matter of these players thinking that they are above the law? Many people think this is probably the case. Is it the player’s fault, or is it our fault (the fans), who put these players on a pedestal, and also draw a blind eye to the fact that they are only human just like the rest of us.

The upcoming season has just become even more interesting than before. The Lions will either come closer together as a group because of these unfortunate incidents, or they will crash and burn because of the distractions that it will surely bring.

Stay tuned!

S.Ray Harris
Live From Detroit

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Despite murder, Detroit 300 will continue their mission

Marcel Jackson, a 39 year old devoted father of six children, was ferociously gunned down by some coward who was inside of a downtown club beating on a woman. Jackson evicted the man, who returned at about 3:15 in the morning and gunned down Jackson outside of the club. Jackson was working as a bouncer at the downtown night club.

Senseless killings such as these are starting to mount in the City of Detroit. The Detroit 300, a non-profit organization committed to taking back the streets of this city, are still committed to their mission, which is summarized as follows:  Our sole focus is to help communities organize to eradicate crime by policing targeted areas and collectively pursuing individuals who wreak havoc, mayhem, and terror therein (eg., murder, shootings, rape, burglary, robbery, assault & battery, burning of dwellings and stripping of homes.

Something as senseless as this may cause some organizations to give up the fight. But not the Detroit 300. They are more motivated than ever, especially now that one of their own has been gunned down by one of the very cowardly punks that are trying to eradicate from these violent streets.

The membership in this group of citizens, community organizations and civic groups is continually growing. Raphael B. Johnson, who is one of the founding members along with Pulitzer Prize winner Angelo Henderson, and Minister Malik Shabaaz, won’t let this one incident deter from their mission. Citizens of this city are tired of the violence that seems to be growing by each hot summer day.

We at Live From Detroit implore the Detroit 300 to keep your mission in the forefront of everyone’s minds in this city. For those who would like to join the Detroit 300, please visit their website at http://www.thedetroit300.org/about.html

Live From Detroit Staff

Monday, June 11, 2012

Detroit on the verge of a financial collapse

Did anyone think something tangible would become of the “emergency meeting” that was held at Detroit City Hall today? Look up the word ridiculous in the dictionary, and you should see everyone who is in leadership roles at City Hall.

Today’s meeting was just another example of how things roll at City Hall. Dave Bing opened up the discussion by “demanding” that Krystal Crittendon, Detroit’s Corporation Counsel, drop her current lawsuit against the State of Michigan regarding the legality of the Consent Agreement. This is another example of false bravado by Mayor Bing, who is looking more foolish by the day.

The City Council, led by JoAnn Watson, continues to make everyone scratch their heads.  The Council says that neither they nor Dave Bing can make Crittendon withdraw the lawsuit. So help me out here:  Neither the Executive nor the Legislative Branch can stop the top City lawyer from pushing the City into total economic collapse.  Both branches (Bing and Council) want to remain in power; however, they are powerless because of the changes that they allowed in the new City Charter.

The real losers in all of this are the citizens of Detroit. Detroiters are just tired of the same old finger pointing from this current administration. There seems to be a sense of doom on the horizon, where bankruptcy will put a choke hold on this one proud City.  Even an Emergency Manager doesn’t seem like a viable solution.

Crittendon’s case will be heard in an Ingham County courtroom on Wednesday or Thursday. If that is the case, the State will withhold $80M in revenue sharing from the State which may result in payless paydays in the near future. In the meantime, I’m sure our leaders at City Hall will continue the finger pointing.

S.Ray Harris
Live From Detroit

